How to Stay Safe Online- The 5 Best Cybersecurity Tips

Aimen Sohail
3 min readMay 23, 2024


A big chunk of our day is usually spent online, either for learning, interacting with friends and family, or working from home. But sometimes, we forget how important it is to protect our information online from hackers and other malicious softwares.

The good news is that Microsoft’s 2023 Digital Defense report states that following basic security hygiene can help us stay safe from 99% of cybersecurity attacks.

Here are the five best ways to protect yourself online. So, let’s get started!

1. Keep your Personal Information Private

The first and foremost tip is to be careful what you post on social media. Sharing too much personal information can put you in danger, as once it’s out in cyberspace, it’s out forever.

So, the best practice is to avoid sharing your phone number, address, date of birth, or email on public platforms and keep your accounts private. Also, be aware of who can access your information and review your privacy settings after a month.

2. Protect Yourself with Strong Passwords

Passwords are the first barrier against unauthorized access to personal information, so it is suggested that you change them regularly. However, almost 55% of users globally have used the same passwords for years.

So, to be safe online, always choose unique passwords for your accounts that contain upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols.

Using a password manager is another helpful tool. It lets you keep your passwords safe and‌ easy to log in to, even on multiple devices.

3. Use Multiple Factor Authentication (MFA)

Using multiple-factor authentication, or 2FA, can add another layer of security protection online. It works great, even if your password is weak, and authenticators such as Google can provide 99% protection against automated cyberattacks.

It sends codes or prompts to your phone or email, ensuring you are online and trying to log in. This additional step helps lower the risk of identity theft as well as prevent unwanted access.

4. Use a Secure Wi-Fi Connection

Your Wi-Fi is the gateway between the Internet and your device, and if it’s unprotected, then cybercriminals can easily take advantage of it.

However, you can ensure your security by ensuring your Wi-Fi router has the maximum degree of encryption.

Also, another suggestion is to change your Wi-Fi password more frequently and configure the router for automated security updates from the manufacturer.

Another precaution is avoiding unsecured public Wi-Fi, especially for online shopping and financial transactions. And, if it’s very necessary, use a VPN and encrypt your traffic.

5. Keep the Software Updated.

Software is human-made, and sometimes, it can compromise internet safety. Hackers are always coming up with new attacks, especially with old softwares. However, this can also be prevented by regularly installing system updates, especially if they include security upgrades.

You can turn on automatic updates to prevent any cyberattacks.


Online safety is a never-ending process, but your safety is in your hands. By following these tips, such as creating strong passwords, using secure Wi-Fi, and regularly updating security, you can improve your safety online and protect yourself from cybercriminals and data breaches.

So act now, before it gets too late. If you need help understanding any of the methods mentioned above, don’t hesitate to comment below.

