6 Innovative Ways to Make a Small Bedroom Look Bigger

Aimen Sohail
4 min readJun 11, 2024


Home is where the heart is, and your bedroom is the place where you relax and recharge. If your bedroom is small, it can feel a bit cramped. But don’t worry. Luckily, there are some tricks you can use to save space and make a small bedroom look bigger.

So, here are six innovative ways to achieve it in no time.

1. Remove Clutter

Getting rid of clutter in the bedroom is a great way to make your room more spacious.

When you have random things scattered around, it makes the room untidy and can affect mental health negatively. But decluttering the small bedroom and having a clean and organized place can help you feel calm and in control.

This works for all other things you don’t need in your bedroom. Think about whether you really need a desk or TV in your bedroom. In this way, you can make the room feel much bigger.

2. Choose Light and Pale Colors

Light colors are like best friends in your small bedroom.

Everyone knows that light bounces off these colors, making the room feel fresh and open. You can consider colors like white, pastels, and light gray to make a room feel bigger and lighter right away.

These colors are not only great for walls, but they also look good on furniture and curtains.

3. Use Vertical Space

Think upwards.! Use the space you have up high to make the windows look bigger and the ceilings look higher.

For example, install curtains or blinds above and wider than the window frame. This trick lets in more natural light and brightens the room, making it more spacious.

It is one of the most effective and inexpensive small bedroom ideas to consider.

4. Add Mirrors!

Mirrors work like magic in small spaces.

They make a small bedroom look bigger by reflecting light and creating the illusion of depth. So, consider putting a big mirror on one wall or using mirrored closet doors.

This easy addition can make a bedroom look bigger and add a stylish touch to your decor.

5. Hang Pendant Lights

It’s time to ditch the bulky bedside lamps! Hanging lamps or pendant lights on the wall can help free up space on your bedside table.

As they draw the eye upwards, they highlight vertical space and provide a refined touch to your small bedroom layout. Plus, the room feels less crowded and more open, with fewer things on the floor.

6. Ditch the Footboard

The bed is usually the focal point of furniture in smaller spaces. So, to make a small bedroom look bigger, the best is to choose a bed that doesn’t have a platform, or that is low to the ground.

Many of these beds also have built-in storage or just the right amount of space for a few under-bed storage boxes to stay out of sight.


With these six innovative ideas, you can easily turn your small bedroom into an ample space and make it something you’ll love coming home to.

So don’t just take our word for it; try these innovative tips and see the difference yourself.

Which one of these tips was your favorite? Tell us in the comments!

