5 Best Ways to Manage Panic Attacks

Aimen Sohail
3 min readMay 24, 2024


We have all been there, experiencing an immense feeling of fear, heartbeats rushing, and thinking that we would collapse. These feelings usually occur when we hear bad news or lose anything important to us.

It is called a panic attack, and studies suggest that almost a third of the world’s population will experience it once in their life. Though these attacks cause no physical harm, fear of having another can limit daily life. So coping up with them is important.

Symptoms of Panic Attack

Many people mistake these attacks for a stroke or a heart attack, but there are a few key symptoms that can differentiate. Knowing the symptoms is important to manage these attacks.

  • Trouble breathing as if you can’t get enough air
  • Trembling and shaking
  • Sweating heavily
  • Hot flashes or chill
  • Tingling sensation in hands and feet
  • Feeling that you are about to die

These symptoms are similar to the fight-or-flight response, but in a panic attack, these symptoms occur out of nowhere.

Best Methods to Manage Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are very quick to occur but rarely cause any long-term harm. Here are five tried-and-tested recommended methods:

1. Breathe Through it

While a panic attack can make you hyperventilate, practising deep breathing exercises can surely help you.

Deep breathing has been found in research to reduce panic attacks. To practice it, take a deep breath from your nose and hold it for 3 seconds. Then, exhale air from your mouth.

2. Take a Whiff

A 2013 study showed that certain smells could have a calming effect on mood. It means that your favourite perfume or aroma can be your best friend in soothing an attack.

So try keeping any cologne of your choice in a bag. And if you feel panicked, spray a little on your wrist and smell.

3. Follow the 5–4–3–2–1 Method

Panic attacks usually detach a person from reality. However, a recent mindful technique called as 5–4–3–2–1 technique is a quick way to reduce fear and anxiety symptoms that come with an attack.

To perform it,

  • Look for five objects: name them and think about them for a while.
  • Listen to four distinct sounds: focus on their sources and what makes them different from each other.
  • Touch three objects: note their texture and temperature.
  • Recognize two smells: like coffee or your perfume.
  • Taste one thing: like a small candy or chewing gum.

4. Progressive Relaxation

A panic attack can also cause you to tense your muscles and make them stiff. The best approach to managing these tense muscles is to practise progressive muscle relaxation.

To perform it, focus on one set of muscles, tighten it, and then relax it. Repeat it with all the muscles until you feel calm.

5. Remembering That This Shall Too Pass

One last method is to identify that it’s just a panic attack, not something dangerous. Most panic attacks usually reach their peak in 10 minutes and then start to settle down. So, reminding yourself that an attack is temporary can be very beneficial.


Managing a panic attack can look tough, but you can take the first step by following the above-mentioned methods.

After all, we all deserve to live our lives without any fear! Let us know in the comments down below if you have any panic attacks and found any of these techniques useful.

